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SecurIdSdtidToken Methods

The SecurIdSdtidToken type exposes the following members.

Protected methodCalcuateKeyFromStrings
Calculate a key using two string values, an existing key, and an initialization vector (IV).
Public methodComputeTokencode(DateTime)
Computes the tokencode for a given date/time.
(Inherited from SecurIdToken.)
Public methodComputeTokencode(DateTime, String)
Computes the tokencode for a given date/time, using the specified PIN value.
(Inherited from SecurIdToken.)
Protected methodConvertSecuridDate
Converts a SecurID® date value (unsigned short) to a DateTime instance.
(Inherited from SecurIdToken.)
Protected methodConvertToSecuridDate
Converts a DateTime instance to a SecurID® date value.
(Inherited from SecurIdToken.)
Protected methodDecodeToken
Decodes the SDTID (XML) string representation of a token. This method is called by Parse(String, Int32) to initialize the current instance based on the values in the string representation.
(Overrides SecurIdTokenDecodeToken(String, Int32).)
Public methodDecrypt(String)
Decrypts the token by passing the supplied password to the Decrypt(String, String) method.
(Inherited from SecurIdToken.)
Public methodDecrypt(String, String)
Decrypts the token using the supplied password.
(Overrides SecurIdTokenDecrypt(String, String).)
Protected methodDecryptSecret
Decrypt a token's Secret value.
Protected methodDecryptSeed
Decrypt a token's Seed value.
Public methodExport
Creates a string representation of the token, which is encrypted using the supplied password.
(Overrides SecurIdTokenExport(String, String).)
Protected methodFindXmlBase64Value
Search the XML of the current instance for a node with a given name and containing a base-64 encoded value, and decode the value into an array of bytes.
Protected methodFindXmlDateValue
Search the XML of the current instance for a node with a given name and containing a date value, and return the value as a DateTime object.
Protected methodFindXmlIntValue
Search the XML of the current instance for a node with a given name and return the node's value as an Int32 value, or a default value if the node is not found.
Protected methodFindXmlStringValue(String)
Search the XML of the current instance for a node with a given name and return the node's value, or an empty string if the node is not found.
Protected methodFindXmlStringValue(String, String)
Search the XML of the current instance for a node with a given name and return the node's value, or a default value if the node is not found.
Protected methodGetChildNodeContentsForHashing
Retrieve the contents of all descendants of a given XML node, in a predefined format in preparation for hashing.
Protected methodGetNodeContentsForHashing
Retrieve the contents of the given XML nodes and all their descendants in a predefined format, and return the results as a byte array suitable for hashing.
Protected methodHashPassword
Calculate a hash value for a token password, using the supplied salt values.
Protected methodHashXml
Calculate a hash value for an XML node and its descendants, using a supplied Key and IV (initialization vector)
Protected methodKeyFromBcdTime
Creates an encryption key value based on a specified number of bytes from a date/time value that is encoded as a packed binary-coded decimal (BCD)
(Inherited from SecurIdToken.)
Protected methodScrubDeviceID
Remove all invalid characters from a SecurID® Device ID (Serial Number)
(Inherited from SecurIdToken.)
Protected methodShallowCopyTo
Perform a shallow copy of the current instance to supplied token instance
(Inherited from SecurIdToken.)
Public methodToString
Creates a string listing the values contained in this instance.
(Inherited from SecurIdToken.)
Protected methodValidateDeviceIDForDecryption
Checks if the supplied Device ID is valid for use in decrypting this token, and removes any invalid characters from the Device ID.
(Inherited from SecurIdToken.)
Protected methodValidatePasswordForDecryption
Checks if the supplied password is valid for use in decrypting this token.
(Inherited from SecurIdToken.)
See Also